Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Early Morning

Harrison has started this terrible habit of waking at 5:30am sharp. I thought it would be a one or two time thing but it's been on going for 5 days in a row. I think he's working on getting his eye teeth in so it disrupts his sleep. I felt bad that our noise was waking up Cami's boys early so I started taking him outside. I got smart the second day and decided since we're both up I might as well exercise so I leave out my clothes and we sneak out the back. They have an old umbrella stroller (the simple metal kind) for use on the beach so I strap him in and go for a run. I discovered you can jog while pushing with one hand to steer the stroller.
The first few days I resented my lack of sleep but it's actually been nice to be up early, alone on the beach. There's something rejuvenating about that time of morning, especially by the ocean.
Yesterday we had a big rain storm before we went out and while we ran we saw a giant rainbow spanning from the ocean to the shore. It was mostly cloudy so the colors were extra bright and beautiful. I wanted to go wake someone up to share it but knew 6:30am wouldn't be appreciated so Harrison and I enjoyed our moment together.
I usually run to the end of the island, take a break to do a series of squats and lunges, then run back. I've started to set up our umbrellas and chairs before I go in so we can claim our beach spot at the end of our stairs. It's more crowded this second week since school is out in North Carolina so more day beach goers are encroaching on our usual spot.

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