This is our son Harrison, future janitor. Doesn't he just make a mom proud?! Yep, that's right, he's holding the side of the toilet- GROSS!! We thought we had gotten past the "play in the potty" stage but the toilet brush in the powder room proved too tempting.
Canolo, the latest fashion trend! James is way into making up silly words. In fact, it's almost like he has his own language. He came in with the arm rest covers from the couch and said I needed to wear this "Canolo." I tried to put in on like a hat so you could actually see but he was very specific that it had to be worn as a face covering. And it's not like James forgets what he calls things. For the next few days it was all about Canolos!
I love the way he thinks! I'll have to see if I can find a way to add canalo to my daily vocabulary in honor of James.